We’re talking about work in English


“What do you do?” is usually one of the first questions which follows the introduction with new people. That’s why you should be able to talk about your job. You can be the one who asks and the one who answers. See the questions and answers which relate to this situation.


Asking about job:

What do you do?
What do you do for living?
What sort of work do you do?
I am a helpdesk specialist.
I'm an asset manager.
I'm a partner in an accountancy practice.
I'm in textile business.
I work in a factory.
I work in PR (public relations).
I work for an investment bank.
I work as a doctor.

Company we work for:
What company do you work for?
I work for M&A.

Department we work in:
Which department do you work in?
I work in the sales department.
I work in the accounting department.
I work in the production department.

What are you responsible for?
I am responsible for customer accounts.
I am responsible for a productive department.
I usually answer customers' questions.

Current project:
What do you work on?
I work on laptop design.

Sometimes you may talk about working hours:
How many hours a week do you work?
I work about 40 hours a week.

Jack: Hey Peggs, what’s up?
Peggy: Jack! Hi, it’s been ages. How have you been?
Jack: Same old, same old. What about you? Still suffering as an assistant?
Peggy: Luckily not anymore. I’ve got a new job.
Jack: Glad to hear it, hon. What do you do?
Peggy: I work as a personal officer. Finally something I know and like.
Jack: What company do you work for?
Peggy: I work for S&P Co.
Jack: Cool. I’ve heard about them. Their company policy is said to be amazing.
Peggy: That it is.
Jack: Which department do you work in? Do you like it?
Peggy: I work in the department of human resources.
Jack: Come on, I’m fishing for some juicy gossip. What are you responsible for? What about your colleagues? What do you guys work on?
Peggy: Slow down, Jack. One step at a time. I’m responsible for some paperwork. I’ve just started so my boss has been just testing me so far. Not much fun, but after they have found out about my skills I’m sure to be given more responsible tasks. My colleagues are fine. We get along quite well. Actually on Friday there’s a small gathering and I’ve been invited.
Jack: That’s great. I’m really happy for you. What do you work on then? I mean your dept, not just you.
Peggy: Lastly we’ve been working on a headhunting campaign. Next month we open a new office in Bristol and we’re looking for someone to run the business there and for a few other employees to take care of everything.
Jack: Must be one hell of work. How many hours a week do you work?
Peggy: Good question. I’m supposed to work like 40 hours a week, but with this huge project everyone stays overtime and I’m not an exception. I’m trying to earn my bones after all.
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Gabriela Kašparová
Lector and language consultant. Studied English at the Faculty of Education. Having worked as an English tutor at nursery school, she got experience with working with children with learning disability. During her 8-year experience with teaching adults she has implemented her findings from learning children and has created simple and transparent explanations of complicated grammar features. Teaching both children and adults, she keeps encouraging them not to fear a foreign language and to learn with pleasure.



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