Use Illustration


When the children are surrounded by English, they can adopt it in the same way they learn to drink from glass when they cannot grab a teat. They simply watch and copy the activity we do instead of following a theoretical process.

How to use illustration as a means of learning a language?

Allow your children to use as many senses as possible: touch, smell, hearing, sight, taste.

1. Search for things around you

Give your child an order in English and let him find the thing in your surroundings. Use the words the child uses every day.

2. Describe the things

Cruise your flat and in each room say where you are – aloud and in English, of course. “I am in the bathroom.” “I am in the kitchen.” Let’s play hide-and-seek a bit!

3. Show what you like

Learning fruits or meal? Have an “English dinner time”. Take a piece of fruit, put it on the plate and comment what you are eating: “I am eating bananas. I like apples.” …

4. Recognize things with eyes closed

Put some usual objects into a bag and let children guess what’s inside.

5. Play hide-and-seek

Hide objects across your home and tell your children the English description where to find it. E.g.: “The ball is under the table.

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Gabriela Kašparová
Lector and language consultant. Studied English at the Faculty of Education. Having worked as an English tutor at nursery school, she got experience with working with children with learning disability. During her 8-year experience with teaching adults she has implemented her findings from learning children and has created simple and transparent explanations of complicated grammar features. Teaching both children and adults, she keeps encouraging them not to fear a foreign language and to learn with pleasure.



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