Are you a person who eagerly goes on a diet, starts gym-going, or takes up a new language but who quits soon? Why is that? The answer to your question is insufficient motivating force (if any). At the present time, motivation is a well-liked word. There are people and writings that make money on motivation business. If you want to improve your motivation, you can hire a consultant or read a book on the topic. However, do you know what motivation is and why it is so crucial? Motivation is an impelling cause that makes you achieve any goal you set to yourself. If you don’t have it, you do nothing. A mere ambition is insufficient to make you go for something. You must really thirst for reaching your goals so that you make progress.

“How can I find motivation?” you ask. First of all, you need to know what exactly you want. Then, you need to develop a strong desire and be ready to work hard to reach your targets. Set yourself goals that you can reach soon. It is much simpler to keep motivation high then. On the other hand, if you have a goal whose accomplishment requires a lot of time, it will be difficult for you to stay motivated till the end. So, start with small tasks and don’t go for major goals before you have become experienced and know how to sustain motivation.  If you dream about a certain thing or achievement but do nothing to have it, it means that the motivation is insufficient or the goal itself is unimportant.

Motivation is closely connected with emotions and creativity. In other words, concentrate on your feelings and creativity and your motivation will strengthen.

Do you fall into a group of people who enthusiastically decide to serve a diet, improve their looks by taking up a physical activity (be it in a gym, in an aerobics class or training individually), or acquire a new language and then give up long before their activity produces any result whatsoever? Have you ever wondered why you act like this? Here is the answer: short-lived motivation, if any at all.  Motivation has turned out to be a cool word recently. People even capitalize on it: should you need it, you can hire an instructor who will assist you in improving your motivation, or arrange a person to deliver a motivational speech for you. Every now and then you even come across writings concerned with the issue of motivation. But what is it in fact and why is it so essential to our endeavours? Motivation is the mainspring of everything we do. Without it no accomplishments would come about. You might argue that wishing for a result will substitute motivation. You are wrong. A mere wish is not strong enough to push you onwards the attainment of set objectives. Should you find your motivation you need to be well-aware of what exactly you want to achieve, you need to crave for it, and last but not least, you have to be prepared to work on it to the best of your ability. You should only set your heart on accomplishing big goals after you have broadened your experience in how to preserve motivation by fulfilling small dreams.  ‘Why?’, you ask? The reason is simple: staying motivated when accomplishing big goals is much harder than when achieving small ones. If you long for a particular thing, or the accomplishment of a particular goal, but you don’t feel the urge to act, then you either have problem with motivation or the goal you have set is not sufficiently important for you. ou need to feel the irresistible urge to work towards you goal in order to stay motivated and accomplish it. There is a close connection between motivation and sentiments and/or imaginativeness. What it means is that you cannot improve your motivation without concentrating on the other two.


enthusiastically – In a way that shows intense and eager interest
to take sth. up – to become interested or engaged in an activity
any … whatsoever – at all: used as an intensifier with indefinite pronouns
to turn out – to prove to be the case
to capitalise on – to make money on something
to deliver a speech – to give a speech
to come across – find by chance
endeavours – an effort to do or attain something
the mainspring of sth. – a driving force (the main agent of motivation)
to come about – to happen; to take place
mere – used to emphasise how small or insignificant someone or something is
attainment – the fact of achieving a goal towards which one has worked
to crave for – to feel a powerful desire for something
to the best of one’s ability – as well as one can
to set one’s heart on sth. – to have a strong desire for or to do something
to preserve – to maintain or keep
to long for sth. – showing a strong desire or craving for something
the urge – a strong desire or impulse
irresistible – too powerful or convincing to be resisted
sentiment – a feeling or emotion

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