Důležitost Whisky pro britskou ekonomiku

Latest study showed that the whisky business of Britain is worth more than £5 billion each year. The industry also provides many jobs for...

Kdy jsou letenky nejlevnější?

Predicting when airline tickets are the cheapest isn’t, surely, an exact science, is it? One cannot possibly say, with any level of specificity —...

Amsterdam: Kde přenocovat?

Amsterdam: Where to sleep? You are in Amsterdam and need to find a hotel. A houseboat? Why not. You can stay on the water and...

7 rad, jak mít ze sebe lepší pocit I

Can you see somebody and you like him/her? Do you want to start conversation with the person? Are you at job interview? Do you...

Enigma v novém kabátě

Enigma in a new coat The Imitation Game is a film based on a true story from WWII, about a group of mathematicians. The group...

7 osvědčených tipů pro návštěvu Říma

For a travel editor it is hard to stop working not only at work but also when he/she is on holiday. In May of...

7 rad, jak mít ze sebe lepší pocit II

4. Do not show your imperfections! It can take you time to love your body. Now, do not you love your legs? Wear jeans or...

Blur hlásí comeback

Comeback of Blur Famous British music group Blur are preparing their new album. The title of the album is Magic Whip. You will have a...

Jak o Vánocích nepřibrat

At Christmas people eat a lot. But in January they sometimes have problems with zipping up their jeans. In this article we would like...

Šampaňské se stylem…

treat - zacházet s něčím royal - královský bubbly - bublinkový adornment - ozdoba vivacious - živý (temperamentní) unforgettable - nezapomenutelný stylish - stylový glamor (glamour) - půvab enable - umožnit share -...
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